Mike Berman’s Washington Watch

May 31, 2007 3:38 PM

Bush Not Moving Up

The President's approval rating continues to sag. The 28% approval rating that Bush received in the May Newsweek poll was the lowest it has recorded for any President since Jimmy Carter in 1979.

Approve Disapprove
AP-Ipsos 5/9 35 61
CNN 5/6 38 61
Gallup 5/6 34 63
Newsweek 5/3 28 64
Diago/Hotline 4/30 35 62
NPR 4/29 37 59
CBS/NYT 4/24 32 61
NBC/WSJ 4/23 35 60
Pew 4/22 35 57
Fox 4/18 38 54

The Gallup survey reports that Bush's run of sub-40% approval ratings, which has now extended to 6 months, is the longest sub-40% run of any President other than Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter. [Truman has the record, 26 consecutive months below 40%.]

President Bush's approval rating remains the lowest of any President who got this far into his 2nd term in the last 48 years.

Approve Disapprove
Dwight Eisenhower 60 24
Bill Clinton 60 36
Ronald Reagan 48 43
Lyndon Johnson 45 39
George H.W. Bush 34 63

The President's handling of a variety of specific issues is also disapproved by the public:

The situation in Iraq 70%
Immigration issues 64%
Energy situation 63%
The economy 59%
Ethics in government 57%
Environment 56%
Campaign against terrorism 53%
[CBS/NYT, Wash Post/ABC 4/07]

73% think that leaders of other countries don't have much respect for the President. [Gallup 2/07]

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