August 15, 2008 10:57 AM
Out Of The Mouths Of Babes*
After Barack Obama sewed up the nomination, Michelle Obama flew home to be with their daughters when they woke up the next morning. She proceeded to explain to them what had happened the night before. "They basically said, 'Oh, good. Daddy won.' Michelle tried again, "This is a really big deal. There's never been an African-American nominee for President. Do you guys realize the significance of this?"Malia (age 10) nodded. "Well, African-Americans used to be slaves and we couldn't vote and we didn't have many rights, so of course this is a big deal." Then she added, "Just like it would also be a really big deal if Hillary Clinton had won, because there has never been a woman nominee for President and women used to not be able to vote and didn't have many rights either."
* Interview of Michelle Obama by Connie Schultz of the Cleveland Plain Dealer.