Mike Berman’s Washington Watch

September 15, 2008 12:56 AM

Wisdom From Saul Turteltaub

You know the airport is less than thirty minutes from your hotel when you arrive in the back seat of your taxi cab and still can't click on the seatbelt.

The problem in being taken by a good friend to dinner at his favorite restaurant, where he introduces you proudly to the owner, is that you can't ask for ketchup.

While waiting for the car in front of me to drive on, after standing for an endless amount of time at a stop sign, and having decided he was waiting for it to say "GO," and being in Sun Valley, Idaho, where no one ever blows a horn or displays impatience, I realized the motto for such a town should be, "If you're not bleeding and you're in a hurry, you're in the wrong town."

Got up this morning; the TV didn't work; called the Cable Company and got disconnected; tried later on my cell phone in the car, no reception and the car needs brakes; realized the only machine that did its job today and everyday was the spoon.

Also resolved not to buy anything that has to be opened with teeth, from cheese to CDs.

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