Mike Berman’s Washington Watch

October 26, 2012 11:56 AM

The Electoral College

Here are cuts at the Electoral College that WW will regularly reprint as wehead toward the Presidential election. 270 Electoral votes are needed to win.

  Cook 10/25 Rothenberg 10/12 Wash Post 10/6 Sabatto 10/18 RCP 10/25
Solid/Likely Dem 237 237 196 -- 183
Lean Dem 6 32 59 -- 18
Total 243 269 255 267 201
Toss Up 89 63 77 36 146
Lean GOP 15 15 36 -- 14
Solid/Likely GOP 191 191 170 -- 177
Total 206 206 206 235 191

A friend whose judgement WW trusts, puts great faith in the InTrade Prediction Market. His view is that thousands of gamblers have a pretty good handle on what is going on in the country.

As of 10/25/12, the price per share being bid for Obama shares is $6.20, while the bid price for Romney shares is $3.80.

  4/26 8/15 9/20 10/9 10/22 10/25
Barack Obama 60.2 56.7 69.4 61 60 62%
Romney 38.2 42.3 30.5 39.1 39.5 38%

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