Mike Berman’s Washington Watch

May 4, 2013 8:58 AM

More on Same Gender Marriage

Rhode Island has become the 10th State, plus the District of Columbia, to provide full marriage rights to same gender couples.

At least three additional States are at one stage or another in consideration of same gender marriage rights in 2013: Delaware, Illinois and Minnesota.

The April NBC/WSJ survey included a number of questions on same gender marriage. The following are excerpted from a memorandum prepared by Jay Campbell of Hart Research Associates:

  • 53% of Americans favor same-sex marriage and 42% oppose it
  • 64% of those under age 35 support same-sex marriage
  • 58% of seniors oppose same-sex marriage
  • 73% of Democrats support same-sex marriage
  • 54% of Independents support same-sex marriage
  • 66% of Republicans oppose same-sex marriage
  • 69% of those who have a close gay friend favor marriage equality
  • 53% of those who have a gay co-worker favor marriage equality
  • 49% of those who have a gay acquaintance favor same sex marriage
  • 41% of those who do not know anyone who is gay favor same sex marriage
  • 79% of those who know a gay/lesbian couple who are in a civil union or who are married favor marriage equality
  • 63% say the Federal government should recognize same sex marriages even though only 53% support them
  • 41% of Republican partisans say the Federal government should recognize same-sex marriages in States that have legalized them
  • 56% would like to see a Federal standard with a uniform definition of marriage for the whole country, while 38% want it left to the States

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