Mike Berman’s Washington Watch

September 13, 2013 11:57 AM

The Congress

In the most recent CNN/ORC survey, 20% approve of the job being done by Congress, while 78% disapprove. This is the highest approval number recorded in the six times this survey question has been asked in this poll since January 2011. [CNN/ORC 9/8/13] . Roughly a month earlier, Gallup reported a 14% approval rating and 81% disapproval. [Gallup 8/11/13]

The U.S. Senate

  • Democrats 52
  • Republicans 46
  • Independents 2

Corey Booker (D) is the odds-on favorite to win the October special U.S. Senate election in New Jersey to replace Frank Lautenberg (D). This will result in there being 53 Democrats in the Senate.

A change from the August Washington Watch is that Michigan and New Hampshire move from Leaning Democrat to Safe Democrat. This increases the safe Democrat seats to 13.

Louisiana remains in the Toss Up column, but there is some evidence that the race is moving toward the incumbent Mary Landrieu (D), and an argument can be made that this race could move to the Leaning Democrat column.

There is much interest in the Georgia race. Recent Democratic polling shows Michelle Nunn (D) holding her own or leading potential Republican candidates. The Democrats hope is pinned on the Nunn name (Michelle’s father was a well regarded Democrat Senator from that State and is around to help her.)

However, until the Republican primary contest is over on May 20, 2014, there no way to get a hard assessment of the race. Republicans are concerned that their multi-candidate primary could result in a candidate too extreme for the general election electorate, e.g., Missouri and Indiana in 2012.

* Italics denotes the retirement of a current member.

Safe Democratic (13) Leaning Democrat (3) Toss-Up (3) Leaning Republican (4) Safe Republican (11)
Colorado Alaska Arkansas Georgia Alabama
Delaware Iowa Kentucky Montana Idaho
Hawaii No. Carolina Louisiana So. Dakota Kansas
Illinois     West Virginia
Michigan       Nebraska
Minnesota       Oklahoma
New Hampshire       So. Carolina
New Jersey       Tennessee
New Mexico       Texas
Oregon       Wyoming
Rhode Island        

  Democrats Republicans
Seats not up in 2014 34 31
Safe in 2014 13 12
Leaning in 2012 3 4
Total 50 47
Toss-ups 3 (2D, 1R)  

The House of Representatives

There has been little change in the structure of the House of Representatives races since the August issue of the Watch.

As it has for a very long time, WW regularly reprints and relies on the analysis of House races published by the “Cook Political Report.”

  1/24/13 4/17/13 6/20/13 7/19/13 9/5/13
Total Dem 201 201 201 201 201
Solid Dem 167 166 163 163 163
Likely Dem 17 18 18 15 14
Lean Dem 11 11 12 15 15
Toss Up/Tilt D 7 8 9 9 10
Toss Up–D 6 6 8 8 9
Toss Up-R 1 2 1 1 1
Lean GOP 7 10 10 11 11
Likely GOP 18 18 17 17 17
Solid GOP 208 204 206 205 205
Total GOP 234 234 234 234 234

“The Rothenberg Political Report” has also posted a report that deals with the entire House. [Thanks to the Rothenberg Political Report.]

  3/12 4/19 6/14 7/19 8/23
Total Democrat 201 200 194 202 202
Safe Democrat 176 176 177 175 175
D Favored 10 10 8 8 8
Lean D 6 6 9 10 11
Toss Up / Tilt D 6 6 5 5 5
Toss Up-D 3 2 3 3 3
Toss Up-R 2 3 1 1 1
Toss Up / Tilt R 5 5 5 5 5
Lean R 5 5 5 5 5
R Favored 13 13 10 10 11
Safe Republican 207 208 212 212 211
Total Republican 234 234 227 233 233

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