Mike Berman’s Washington Watch

November 23, 2013 11:56 AM

President Obama

The public’s grade for the job President Obama is doing (as found by Gallup) is 41% approval/56% disapproval, as of 11/19/13. Of the 5 most recent two-term Presidents at this point in their second term, Obama’s current approval rating is better than George Bush II and Richard Nixon. The list of 6 follows:

  Approve Disapprove
Reagan 65 24 (11/18/85)
Eisenhower 58 27 (11/12/57)
Clinton 61 30 (11/23/97)
Obama 41 56 (11/19/13)
G Bush (II) 38 57 (11/20/05)
Nixon 27 63 (11/5/73)

Nov 2013 xxx 42/55% 41/56% 37/57% (CBS)
Oct 2013 42/51% 49/49% xxx xxx
Oct 2013 47/48% xxx 43/53% 46/49% (CBS)
Sept 2013 45/50% 47/47% 45/52% 46/46%
Aug 2013* 44/48% (NBC) xxx xxx xxx
July 2013 45/50% 49/44% xxx 48/45% (CBS)
June 2013 48/47% xxx 45/54%* 47/43%
Apr 2013 47/48% 50/45%* 51/47% 47/45%
Jan 2013 52/44% 55/41% 55/43% 51/41%
* Latest survey in this line

On not a single one of the following issues, does Obama have an approval rating of more than 38%.

  Approve Disapprove
The economy 37% 60%
Foreign policy 38 54
Health care 36 61
Immigration 37 52
Federal Deficit 29 66
[Fox News 11/13]

Perhaps of greater significance, Obama's ratings on a number of personal qualities have gone negative for the first time.

52% say that Obama is not honest and trustworthy.

50% say he does not have strong leadership qualities.

To add insult to injury, 51% say that Obama is “not paying enough attention to what his administration is doing.” 53% say the Administration has not been competent in running the government. [Quinnipiac 11/13]

51% say he does not understand “the problems of people like you.” [WP/ABC 11/13]

45% have negative feelings toward Obama with 41% having positive feelings. [NBC/WSJ 10/28/13]

52% have an unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama. [WP/ABC 11/13]

45% say that Obama’s views are too liberal. This is the highest number taking this position since he became President. [WP/ABC 11/13]


It is way too early to handicap the 2016 Presidential race. So, for the foreseeable future the Watch’s only attention to the race will be to keep a running list of folks who are being mentioned in one source or another. The Republican list has been expanded since the October edition of WW.

Republicans Democrats
Jeb Bush Joe Biden
Chris Christie Hillary Clinton
Bobby Jindal Andrew Cuomo
Rand Paul Kristin Gillibrand
Marco Rubio Amy Klobuchar
Paul Ryan Martin O’Malley
Mike Pence Elizabeth Warren
John Kasich Howard Dean
Scott Walker  
Ted Cruz  

Here is another observation from Mathew Dowd that hits the spot.

“The GOP is a party that looks demographically like a party of the future, but with solutions based too much on the past. And the Democrats look demographically like a party of the future, but with solutions based too much on the past. We need a party that both looks like America today and tomorrow, and with policies, solutions and governmental structure designed for the future. We are not getting that from either party.” [10/11/13]

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