Mike Berman’s Washington Watch

October 4, 2014 11:54 AM

The Races: Governors

The Governors

  • Democrats 21
  • Republicans 29
The Watch has not generally covered gubernatorial races and will not do so in any detail, but here is the current state of play based on the Cook Political Report.

There are 36 seats on the ballot this fall. 14 of those seats are held by Democrats and 22 seats are held by Republicans.

  Democrats Republicans
Seats not up in 2014 7 7
Safe in 2014 3 9
Likely/Leaning 6 6
  Maryland Arizona
  Dayton MN Parnell AK
  Hassan NH Branstad IA
  Kitzhaber OR Martinez NM
  Rhode Island Haley SC
  Corbett PA Texas
Total 16 22

6 Democrats 6 Republicans
Arkansas Scott FL
Hickenlooper CO Deal GA
Malloy CT Brownback KS
Hawaii LePage ME
Quinn IL Snyder MI
Massachusetts Walker WI

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