No. 85
State of the Nation
It is pretty much a toss-up among Americans as to whether the country is going in the right direction or is on the wrong track. NBC/WSJ NYT/CBS February 41/44% 23/68% April 43/43% 39/53% June 46/42% 44/50% 87% are at least...
President Obama
Over the last several months, Obama's overall approval rating has dropped some in the NBC/WSJ survey, but has stayed relatively stable. NBC/WSJ NYT/CBS Obama overall job approval February 60/26% 62/15% April 61/30% 66/24% June 56/34% 63/26% Obama job approval on...
Health Care
The healthcare system changes being pressed by Obama and being worked on by Congress, are a much bigger deal than anything else the President has proposed or is likely to propose during his Presidency. Let there be no question as...
2010 Congressional Campaigns
The public's attitude toward the job being done by the Congress is almost exactly opposite their view about the job being done by the President. 57% disapprove of the job being done by Congress (58% approve of the Preident -...
About Twitter
Presumably, after the "commercial" for Facebook in the last issue of the Washington Watch you joined the masses and signed up. If you have already taken the plunge, you are now ready for the next step, TWEETING. If you have...
This and That
All I Need To Know About David Souter In 1990, I had the privilege of being part of the team that prepared Supreme Court Justice David Souter for his confirmation hearing. In my view, he has been a supurb Justice,...
Restaurant: adour
Washington, D.C.: Dinner at "adour" was Jo's suggestion and it was a good one.
Restaurant: Persimmon
Bethesda, Maryland: As I looked at my notes after the dinner, I had written "freshness." There is a freshness and lightness about the place and the food.