Mike Berman’s Washington Watch

No. 100

100th Edition

Recently, someone asked me when “Washington Political Watch” started. This 100th issue seemed the right time to answer that question. The first issue of WW in its current format was published on January 19, 1987. But it all started while...

State of the Nation

62% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, while 29% say it is going in the right direction. This is a 12-point increase from last month, when 50% thought the country was on the wrong track. 30%...

President Obama

The President’s job approval rating has settled in at just under 50%. He ranks 5th when matched against the previous 8 Presidents at this point of their 3rd year in office. [Based on Gallup surveys] Approve Disapprove G Bush (I)...

2012 Presidential Campaign

The Primaries In a May 31st column, Mark Mellman makes the case that the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries, seen together, have a dramatic impact on the selection of Presidential nominees. He notes that, “Since 1976...every single nominee but one...

The Congress

Approval of the job being done by Congress is at a resounding 17%. This is the 4th lowest rating recorded by Gallup since it began testing this question. The lowest was 13%, recorded just 6 months ago. 42% have little...

Restaurant: Gabriel’s Bar and Restaurant

New York, NY: I do not know why I have not written about it before now. It is everything I like about a restaurant.

Restaurant: Lincoln Restaurant

New York, NY: This restaurant is located on the Lincoln Center Plaza. The floor-to-high-ceiling, glass, window walls provide a terrific view of the theaters surrounding the plaza and the reflecting pool.