Mike Berman’s Washington Watch


Restaurant: La Ferme

Chevy Chase, Maryland: In June 2002 I did a review of La Ferme. Debbie and I went there recently with Rita and Bob, and it struck me that it might be interesting to look back on that review and see what, if anything, had changed.On the whole, not much has changed.

Restaurant: Newton's Table

Bethesda, Maryland: Newton’s noise level is quite muted. In so many restaurants, having a reasonably voiced conversation with the others in your party is a task, because the restaurant is so noisy overall. The ceiling and the floor at Newtons’s are covered in material designed to absorb sound.

Restaurant: Shanghai Village

Bethesda, Maryland: There is nothing fancy about this restaurant, but the food is worth the “trip.”

Restaurant: Charleston

Baltimore, Maryland: Two people who live in or near Baltimore, and the owners of two of my favorite D.C. restaurants, all put the Charleston at the top of their lists.

Restaurant: Bartlett Pear Inn

Easton, Maryland: Gail suggested that Debbie and I have dinner at the Bartlett Pear Inn in Easton, while we were staying in St. Michaels. It turned out to be a great suggestion.

Restaurant: Persimmon

Bethesda, Maryland: As I looked at my notes after the dinner, I had written "freshness." There is a freshness and lightness about the place and the food.

Restaurant: Rock Creek

Bethesda, Maryland: The owners of Rock Creek describe their offering as "conscious cuisine."