No. 80
State of the Nation
In the most recent NBC/WSJ survey 74% of Americans said the country is on the wrong track. This is the "highest" wrong track number in the poll's history. A poll taken by NYTimes/CBS about a week earlier found 81% claiming...
President Bush - Little Left To Say
There is little to say about President Bush as he enters the last 5 months of his 8-year tenure in the Office of President. His 64% disapproval rating on his overall job performance is at a near record high in...
Out Of The Mouths Of Babes*
After Barack Obama sewed up the nomination, Michelle Obama flew home to be with their daughters when they woke up the next morning. She proceeded to explain to them what had happened the night before. "They basically said, 'Oh, good....
2008 Republican And Democratic Conventions
The Democratic and Republican conventions are anachronisms at best. At worst they are the biggest waste of money in modern Presidential campaigns. The best argument for watching the conventions this year is that nothing like them is likely to be...
2008 Presidential Campaign: Obama vs McCain
Think about the Presidential race as a play in 5 acts.
2008 Congressional Campaigns
American voters continue to prefer the election of a Democratic Congress in November. However, that choice is slightly softer that it was several months ago.
This and That
One has to wonder, what person or persons were so disloyal to Senator Hillary Clinton as to arrange, start or participate in the deluge of inside campaign documents that were released to Atlantic Monthly? WW is happy to announce that...
Washington Watch's History Of Major Party Conventions
An overview of party convention milestones.
Restaurant: BLT Steak B
Washington, DC: Your editor is inclined to comment about a restaurant in a way that has not previously be done in the WW.